Just Don’t Inhale
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 at 05:01PM

Quote:  "For most teens…you can have oral sex and be a virgin." Natalie Fuller, 19, a sophomore at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, Calif., quoted in USA Today.

Figure of Speechenantiosis (eh nan tie OH sis), the figure of contraries.

Showing how much our young people have in common with Bill Clinton, Ms. Fuller uses a neat enantiosis, an ironic device that combines seemingly incompatible concepts.  An enantiosis is a figure of thought much the way an oxymoron is a figure of speech.  Both mix oil and water to produce pure gold.

Snappy Answer:   "And a lap dance is light petting."

Article originally appeared on Figures of Speech (http://inpraiseofargument.com/).
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