You’re Definitely in the Minority, Senator
Thursday, October 27, 2005 at 05:28PM

queenlott.jpgQuote:  "I think the President should look across the country and find the most qualified man, woman, or minority."  Senator Trent Lott, after the White House withdrew Harriet Miers' nomination for the Supreme Court.

Figure of Speechsolecism (SOL eh sizm), the figure of ignorance.

We're not sure which minority Lott is thinking of (Democrats?), but most of the minorities we know comprise men and women.  That makes Senator Lott's statement a solecism -- from the Latin solecismus, "speaking incorrectly."

While any sort of mistake in grammar or syntax can qualify as one, the purest solecism combines bad language with bad logic.  Congratulations, Senator.

Snappy Answer:  "We'd choose a man or a woman. Anyone else would get Miered."

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