Bush Prefers “Enemy”
Tuesday, January 3, 2006 at 09:32AM

robbertini.jpgQuote:  "PERSON OF INTEREST – Found within the context of legal commentary, but seldom encountered at cocktail parties."   Lake Superior State University 2006 List of Banished Words.

Figure of Speechlitotes, the figure of ironic understatement.

For 31 years the school chooses the most annoying, useless and over-used phrases. Its PR guy came up with the idea, which should tell you something.  He said he did it with "tongue firmly in cheek," a phrase that eminently deserves banishment.

Nonetheless, the school's litotes, "seldom encountered at cocktail parties," works.  We are not unamused.

Snappy Answer:  "My friends call me 'Perp.'"

Article originally appeared on Figures of Speech (http://inpraiseofargument.com/).
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