“I’m Going to Prison” Is a Good Start
Thursday, January 5, 2006 at 01:41PM

jackabramoff.jpgQuote:  "Your Honor, words will not be able to ever express how sorry I am for this..."  Uberlobbyist Jack Abramoff

Figure of Speechaporia (a POR ia), the figure of doubt.

Abramoff’s court-enforced contrition has stopped a number of hearts on Capitol Hill.  The lobbyist bilked millions out of Indian tribes and made shady deals with an untold bevy of Congressmen.  And having copped a plea, Abramoff plans to sing.  He uses an aporia as a form of hyperbole—his emotion is so strong, words cannot describe it.

Good thing Congress doesn't have a reputation to sully.

Snappy Answer:  "The words we want to hear have 'Member of Congress'’ in front of them."
Article originally appeared on Figures of Speech (http://inpraiseofargument.com/).
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