Testing Uber Alles
Thursday, February 9, 2006 at 09:50AM

cheneyuberalles.jpgQuote:  "The notion of a single exam implies there are national standards, and that implies a national curriculum. Then we are on the way to a centralized Prussian education system." David Warren, president of the National Association of Independent Colleges, in the New York Times.

Figure of Speech:  Slippery Slope, the fallacy of dire consequences.

A presidential commission has recommended standardized tests for college students, similar to the national exams that torture high schoolers.  David Warren's response  -- a dark vision of a goose-stepping educational future -- constitutes a perfect Slippery Slope.  The fallacy assumes that a decision will lead to disaster.

Gun nuts love the Slippery Slope.  Ban bazookas, and pretty soon feds in black helicopters will be targeting innocent quail hunters!  It's a rhetorical fallacy because it assumes that precedence dictates everything, that people are incapable of making one rational choice at a time.

Not that Figaro would want to be tested himself.  The results wouldn't be pretty.

Snappy Answer:  "As a Prussian-American, I am offended by that ethnic slur."

Article originally appeared on Figures of Speech (http://inpraiseofargument.com/).
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