You Disrespect My Man But I Ain't Giving Him No Can
Wednesday, April 19, 2006 at 09:03AM
bush-rummy-posse.jpgQuote:  "I’m the decider, and I decide what is best.  And what’s best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as the secretary of defense."  President Bush.

Figure of Speechanadiplosis (an-a-di-PLO-sis), the last-word, first-word repetition.

Generals don’t like Rummy.  Congress doesn’t like him either.  He fails to defer to generals and members of Congress.  Oh, and he screwed up the war in Iraq. 

But Bush is the decider, and he uses an anadiplosis ("redouble") to announce his decidingness.  The figure takes the last word of a phrase and repeats it in the beginning of the next phrase, giving an overlapping effect to a sentence — sort of like roof tiles, making the whole thing logically watertight.

An anadiplosis can also make you sound like a hip hop artist; in this case, a very white hip hop artist.  You got to work on that rhythm, Dawg.

Snappy Answer:  "You mean what’s best for Don Rumsfeld, or the country?"

Article originally appeared on Figures of Speech (
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