Figaro Brings You the Gift of Immortality
Friday, September 30, 2011 at 09:14AM

Billions of people have said to me (using Figaro’s nickname), “Jay, your arguing book has saved my marriage, found me the love of my life, and made me a multi-millionaire. But something’s still missing from my life. Or, rather, my afterlife. I want to become immortal without spending a dime, so I can leave my millions tax-free to my job-creating children.”

Well, Figaro has listened to the People. Next Tuesday, Three Rivers Press (a division of Crown, which is a division of Random House, which is a house undivided) will publish Word Hero, a book that allows you to bon-mot your way to eternal life.  Employing the figures and tropes you see in this blog, I show how to craft memorable lines that make people remember you.

As a special treat to my fellow Figarists, here’s an extended excerpt.  You’ll find even more meaty samples on the Word Hero website.

Word Hero is already getting pre-pub raves on Amazon, though the book can sure use a few hundred more five-star reviews (hint). 

Email me if you have any questions, or just want to thank me for eternal life. (You’re welcome!)

Article originally appeared on Figures of Speech (
See website for complete article licensing information.