Bruce Springsteen for Supreme Court!

Quote: "He will have a couple hairs out of place. I am not sure his glasses fit his facial features. He might not wear the right color tie. He won't be tanned. He will look like he is from New Jersey, because he is." Murder board participant speaking of Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito in the New York Times.
Figure of Speech: effictio (ef FIK tio), the body figure.
The effictio comes from the Latin for "to fashion," appropriately. It describes a person in such detail that you can picture him right before you. The anonymous murder board member uses one to prepare us for an un-Roberts-like performance by Sam Alito next week. No glib nominee here; this guy's from New Jersey.
In case you're not up on your media etymology, a murder board isn't as fun as it sounds. It rehearses nominees for Senate hearings.
Snappy Answer: "Put Alito on 'Queer Eye.' They’ll fix him right up."
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