And This Champagne Is a Sobering Experience
Quote: "It's a very humbling experience right now." Pittsburgh Steelers Coach Bill Cowher.
Figure of Speech: paenismus (pain IS mus), the figure of joy.
How does Coach Cowher feel after winning a Super Bowl? Humbled. Translation: "I'm king of the world! And modest too!"
Cowher crows a paenismus (Greek for "hymn"), the figurative ode to joy. You use a paenismus to "thank your blessings," as President Bush put it.
You might call this increasingly common expression -- often ejaculated by triumphant, testosteronal men -- as an oxymoron. But an oxymoron is a deliberate paradox and an attempt at wit. Cowher's quote is far from witty.
Snappy Answer: "Give that man a Gatorade bath, stat."
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