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    Bogarting Eponyms

    Figaro goes maverick in this Chicago Tribune piece about eponyms—words named after people. “Eponym” comes from the Greek, meaning “upon a name.”

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    Reader Comments (4)

    Good stuff--but you've got "bogart" wrong! It's not about tossing something away, it means holding on to it while it burns away (instead of passing it to somebody else). The way I understood it, the word is inspired by the cigarette that Bogie constantly had in his mouth, but rarely took a drag from.
    March 15, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterlj
    It's not my piece, lj. I was just quoted in it. But thanks for the important clarification. I can honestly say that with all my sins I've never once bogarted a joint. Even though my brother in law called me Roach, explaining that a roach was a "half-assed J."
    March 15, 2012 | Registered CommenterFigaro
    So are eponyms a form of periphrasis? The article just had me wondering. Thanks!
    March 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMichele E.
    The eponym is the opposite of periphrasis, Michele. While the eponym uses a person's name, the periphrasis (a form of circumlocution, "speaking around") avoids the name.

    Periphrasis: "He Who Must Not Be Named."
    Eponym: "The hedge fund voldemorted, the company's mission, turning it into a force for evil."
    March 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterFigaro

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